Wednesday, March 18, 2020


OBSERVATION OF TV VIOLENCE essays In my experiment I will study the behavior of children before, during and after viewing a violent television program, specifically The Power Rangers. I will use the theories of Charles Horton Cooley, George Herbert Mead and Harold Wilensky to analyze the results according to their theories. Cooleys theory is that people shape the aspects of their identity so that it would fit what others would want. Therefore we would become the kind of person we believe others think we should be. Harold Wilensky said that the media produces a mass culture, in which people have similar culture, that people have similar cultural tastes and political values shaped by the media. This produces a mass of people with similar thoughts and feelings, which can be manipulated by the media. Mead believed that the self is a social product, acquired by observing and assimilating the identities of others. He believed that for identification and assimilation there is a need for communication. The communication is the interaction of language, culture, family, peers and with a new form of communication, media. For Mead, childhood play and games were important activities. These activities used the idea of role taking, the way we try to look at social situations from the standpoint of another person, and significant others, influential people in our lives. The theorist that I think is the best for my experiment is Mead. For my experiment my hypothesis will be that after viewing a violent television program children will act more aggressive than before. That the childrens play will change so that it would become more violent, so that it would be similar to the show that they had seen. In my experiment I observed two children 30 minutes before watching the Power Rangers 30 minutes during the show and 30 minutes after the show. The observation was done on the friends of my brother and the friends of my cousin...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Exercise in Identifying Sentences by Function

Exercise in Identifying Sentences by Function In terms of their function, sentences can be classified in four ways: declarative (making a statement)interrogative (asking a question)imperative (expressing a request or command)exclamatory (expressing strong feelings) This exercise will give you practice in identifying these four functional types of sentences. Practice Identifying Sentences by Function Identify each of the following sentences as declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory. When youre done, compare your answers with those on page two. How beautiful a street is in winter! (Virginia Woolf)Have the skillet hot and keep it well greased. (Ernest Hemingway)We boarded our train with feelings of unbounded relief. (James Weldon Johnson)Each cell measured about ten feet by ten and was quite bare within except for a plank bed and a pot of drinking water. (George Orwell)Where were the blackbirds? (Richard Jefferies)Always obey your parents, when they are present. (Mark Twain)The house was so big that there was always a room to hide in, and I had a red pony and a garden where I could wander. (W.B. Yeats)Even now, the sight of an old, six-inch, worm-eaten cork brings fragrant memories! (Samuel H. Scudder)Why does a funeral always sharpen ones sense of humor and rouse ones spirits? (George Bernard Shaw)And whom should we see in the evening, but our two little boys, walking on each side of a fierce, yellow-faced, bearded man! (William Makepeace Thackeray)How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? (Zora Neale Hurston) He was exceedingly poor, wearing only a ragged shirt and trousers. (James Huneker)Quietly go in, sit down, look at your man until you have seen him enough, and then go. (H.G. Wells)I looked tired, but my complexion was good. (Emma Goldman)Not a man in London made a better boot! (John Galsworthy) Answers to the Exercise exclamatory sentenceimperative sentencedeclarative sentencedeclarative sentenceinterrogative sentenceimperative sentencedeclarative sentenceexclamatory sentenceinterrogative sentenceexclamatory sentenceinterrogative sentencedeclarative sentenceimperative sentencedeclarative sentenceexclamatory sentence